From the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the "MyPyramid for Kids" slogan for children is “Eat Right. Exercise. Have Fun”. The key messages of "MyPyramid for Kids" are:
- Be physically active every day – The child climbing the steps reminds children that physical activity should be done every day.
- Choose healthier foods from each group – Every food group has foods that you should eat more often than others.
- Eat more of some food groups than others – The different size stripes suggest how much food you should choose from each group.
- Eat foods from every food group every day – The different colors of the pyramid represent the five different food groups plus oils.
- Make the right choices for you – gives everyone in the family personal ideas on how to eat better and exercise more.
- Take it one step at a time – Start with one new, good thing a day, and continue to add another new one every day.
Food Pyramid Animation