Schoology & CSIU FAQs

Hopewell Area SD: Facility Master Planning Important Dates (May 14, May 18, & June 11)
The Hopewell Area SD would like to highlight a few dates (May 14, May 18, and June 11) to the public where meetings are being held in the senior high school auditorium to assist in determining the future of Hopewell schools. Please read the attached Superintendent's letter dated 4-30-2024 below for details. All information regarding school facility and consolidation considerations can be found by selecting the "2024 Facility Master Planning Process" tab on the district's main webpage below.

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Schoology & CSIU FAQs

Schoology and CSIU FAQs

As Hopewell High School continues to incorporate the many features of Schoology into the classrooms there may be questions that arise.  This page is purposed to provide answer to the most common and essential aspects of the two systems.

Q: What is Schoology?
A: Schoology is a learning management system.  This system provides resources for students, parents, and teachers to improve communication, increase student responsibility, provide better parent access to grades, course calendars, assignments, and classroom documents.  Schoology also helps organize all of the courses for each student. A few of the features include:
  • Centralized Calendar – When a teacher posts an assignment it shows up on the student’s calendar automatically. In addition, all other courses and their respective assignments show up on the same calendar.
  • Resources – Teachers can place documents used in their classroom within Schoology so students and parents can access them from home. 
  • Parent Portal – Parents who take advantage of this feature will be able to see everything their child sees. Resources, grades, due dates, etc.
  • Notifications and Announcements – Teacher can utilize the announcement feature to communicate quickly with the entire class. Students and parents can also sign up for notifications so they never miss out on announcements.

Q: What is CSIU?
A: CSIU is a student management system, sometimes called a student information system.  These systems are used to properly manage state compliance, data, scheduling, enrollment, medical information and many other data driven aspects of the school.  This is essential for administration and record keeping.  Many of these systems have parent and student portals that allow them to access records such as attendance and grades.  However, these systems generally do not provide a way for teachers to improve their classroom instruction.  Learning management systems, such as Schoology, are better suited to provide the tools necessary for teaching and learning.   

Q: Why does there need to be two systems?
A: Although it would be nice to have one system that provides both sets of features, there are very few systems that can.  As the many different options were researched, we at Hopewell felt that using these two separate systems would be the most appropriate course of action.  We feel the benefits of Schoology will far outweigh the inconveniences caused by having two separate systems.  

Q: How do I access the two systems?
A: Both systems are accessible using the “Quick Links” on the Hopewell Area School District Website (  The image below should help you find the access links.



Additional instructions for CSIU can be found HERE.
Additional instructions for Schoology can be found HERE.

Q: Which system do I access for the information I am in search of?
A:  The table below explains where different information can be found. 




 Assignment Due Dates


 Assignment Resources


 Assignment Grades


 Attendance - Daily  


 Attendance - By Class


 Course Calendars




 IEP Information  


 Course Documents


 Progress Reports  


 Quarter Grades


ü *

 Year End Grade

ü ††

ü *


ü **

† In Schoology the quarter grades are identified by the marking period. For example, the first marking period for the 19-20 school year is “19-20SHSMP1”. These are continually updated with each entry. 
†† In Schoology the yearly grade is labeled “Overall”. This is continually updated with each entry.
* In CSIU the quarter and year end grades will be updated at the end of each quarter and at the end of the year.
** These grades will be updated in the middle (progress reports) and at the end of each quarter (report cards).

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